This week we recorded the guitar for our cover of stevie wonder. Joe was playing the lead for us this week and did a brilliant job.
The basics of this week!
- We recored the guitar into our track.
- went threw some very basic guitar recording techniques for both accustic and electric guitar.
- We wanted to make sure everyone had a fair go on the audient consol and recording in ProTools.
- Experimented with the EQ on the audients recording strip.
Communtion and control room set up!
Again its very improtant that we re-lable all the correct imputs on the desk with the tracks on ProTools and make a decent mix of the track. Then the next step was to sort out the talk back from the live room (which Joe was recording his guitar in this week) and then create a foldback (A) and also send thatr into the live room.
Mini recap!
Last week I talked a little bit about the DI into the desk aswel as recording from the guitar amp itself. Well this week we are usin the same princples as last week but with a guitar, so the guitar goes into the imput of the DI box and comes out of the XLR and into the desk mixer and then it goes out the DI box out of the guitar amp.
After we finished connecting the Di into the mixer etc we then had to mic the up the guitar amp. For this we used the SM57 and set the levels in the desk and into ProTools for recording.
The basics of recording electric guitar through an amp!
The best way to get a really realistic guitar soubd while recording through an amp is to think about about mic placement. Today we learnt the best methord for that. As we were using and SM57 and the best way to postion this is placing it between the centre of the speaker cone (some amps are different and have their speaker cones placed in slighty different places) about an inch or twoaway from the amps ‘grill’. This is a very basic but simple way of achiving a decent guitar sound. But make sure your mic parrallel to the cone!!
The basics of recording accustic guitar using a condenser!
We may not have actually used this methord as we only recoreded the electric guitar. But we had a little look at the technique and thought it would also be a nice idea to include this in the blog. So to get a decent sound the best thing to do is to point the condensier mic at about the 12th fret and get it fairly close to the guitar as possible.
Well thats everything we did this week! Next week I’ll be talking about the recording of vocals!